Clean macbook pro screen
Clean macbook pro screen

clean macbook pro screen

So, whenever you are using the laptop keep your food articles away, your drinks away, and try to use only clean hands. Since your laptop cost you almost two thousand dollars, which is a huge sum of money, do not be nasty while cleaning and handling it.Always spray on the cloth or the wipe – not on the screen. Just in case you use a spray to clean the retina screen, do not directly in the screen.Also, note that some people have more of acidic content in their skin oils, which may cause some issues with the screen.If the coating on your screen is wearing off do not try to clean it as in turn you may be removing the anti-glare coating of the screen altogether.Before you power on your MacBook Pro Laptop make sure that your screen is dry.Bending the screen is not a very good idea as it may damage the screen. Do not try to press hard on the screen while cleaning it as it has many layers.Wipe off any dirt, smudges of hand stain from the screen with very light hands.Make sure that the cloth does not have any excess water.You could even make use of easy wipes, which are easily available in the market or online. Make use of a very soft cloth and lightly dampen it with water to clean the retina screen.There are a couple of steps that you could follow to the clean MacBook pro retina which are: Do not use any solvents, aerosol sprays etc.Spraying onto the item directly may damage the device.Avoid using paper towels, rough clothes, towels and similar clothes that could damage the retina. Use a very soft cloth to clean the retina.Keep the device away from any sort of liquids.Before cleaning, unplug the device of any external power sources, cables, and devices.Guidelines to Clean MacBook Pro Retina are:

Clean macbook pro screen